Sunday, 25 August 2013

CBB's Highlighted Highlights- Day One

After an apocalyptic montage recapping the events of launch night, we see Louis, Sophie and Lauren enter a 'temple' that looks like the waiting room of a dental implant clinic and discover that Louis face permanently looks as though there is a bad smell lingering in the air.

Although it can feel a little repetitive to watch the housemates enter the house again, it's interesting to see the Temple Trio's reactions to their peers. They offer insightful comments such as “Courtney's boobs are fake” and “Mario has a big dick, apparently”.

Meanwhile in the house Charlotte tells Ron to let her know if she's annoying him. With a face bearing an annoyed expression, he maintains that she won't annoy him and says “I like bubbly people”- the ultimate insult.

Courtney is feeling all accomplished, whining that she got a plane in order to get to the UK from Beverly Hills and maintaining her superiority upon discovering that Mario travelled a mere 40 minutes, BY CAR.

Charlotte continues her charm offensive and we gain a valuable insight into the thought process behind most of her decisions when she offers Courtney a delicious cocktail of white wine and champagne reasoning “at the end of the day, you're not going to die.

If only Courtney's stuffed bunny had exercised this reasoning when deciding to travel in a suitcase with a bottle of shampoo. The housemate's small talk is interrupted by Courtney screeching that her “bunny has shampoo all over his face”and in order to get her to shut it, Abz and Charlotte muster the energy to care, suggesting that she mangle her bunny. Also, I assume I'm not the only one who let out an 'ew' when Courtney reveals that she's named her stuffed animal after her husband.
Speaking of 'ew', Courtney picks Ron as the first housemate she's going to make feel uncomfortable as she discusses her marriage. He seems fairly indifferent to the discussion, a sentiment that I wish I could share. Courtney reasons that a hundred years ago young women married older men all the time and they never got divorced, conveniently forgetting or remaining ignorant to the fact that a hundred years ago women were sold to their future husbands and couldn't get a divorce even if they wanted to, but whatever helps you sleep at night Courtney.

Now it's time for the Ceremony of Judgement begins and it's time for the Temple Trio to choose three housemates who will possibly face eviction this week. Louis chooses Ron, Sophie chooses Courtney and Lauren chooses Carol. All three recycle the age-old BB reason that they don't have anything in common; CBB has well and truly started.

Back in the house, inspired by Detective Dan's performance in this year's civilian BB, Danielle tries on her police cap and suspects that there are three housemates watching them. Boy she's shrewd, or maybe she's just watched BB before?

We're next confronted with a rather unflattering shot of Mario's grey-marl covered arse as he talks to Carol in the kitchen. They're discussing Courtney's marriage and finally, Carol pulls the face that we were all thinking when we worked out the age gap. Points to you Carol.

It's time for the Temple Trio to be crow-barred into the house, but Beautiful Emma Willis tells us that there is yet another twist. In a shock twist, I'm beginning to get bored of twists. This twist was particularly boring, as the Temple Trio are told to pretend that they haven't been watching the house for the past 24 hours and that Ron's nomination will be blamed on us, the public.

As is always the case when Channel 5 combine a highlights show with a live segment, the final 10 minutes are rushed. We see BB announce that Ron will face the public vote and everyone display some convincing fake emotion, apart from Charlotte, who cries.

Overall, for a first show it wasn't too bad. We saw all of the housemates and, promisingly, no one has faded into the background just yet. I am finding the twists a tad tiresome and look forward to them being replaced by some well thought out tasks.

Oh, my favourite moment? Bruce settling into his sleeping bag clad in a bobble hat saying “If they could see us now!” We can Bruce, that's the point of the show.

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